Services details

Student Support

Student Support

Questions and inquiries

Our team is always working to receive any questions or inquiries that revolve around the student's mind before, during and after the study.

Request for addition or deletion

Also, in the event that the student wishes to benefit from additional services during his studies, such as requesting an additional course or requesting any of our multiple housing services, the student support team works to provide advice and guidance to the student so that he chooses the change that benefits him and helps him as much as possible in reaching his goal. Available when the student wants to delete one of the services that he will benefit from.

Problems and Obstacles

Note that the student support team is fully prepared to deal with any problems that may face the student and support him during his studies by communicating and cooperating directly with the school in which the student is.


Follow-up of the student's opinion and assessments of all the services that he will benefit from during and after receiving the service

This applies to all of our services:

  • Consultation service.
  • Acceptance service.
  • Accommodation service.
  • Airport Pick-Up service.
  • Study visa service.
  • Health insurance service.
  • Flight reservations inquiry service.
  • Student support service.

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